Causality and Structural Equation Modeling (CAUSE) Lab
Welcome to the CAUSE Lab, part of the Quantitative Psychology program in the Department of Psychology at the University of South Carolina. Our research group is co-directed by Drs. Donna Coffman, Amanda Fairchild, and Dexin Shi.
The questions that motivate most studies in the health, social, and behavioral sciences are not merely associational but causal in nature. Our research focuses on developing, improving, evaluating, and applying statistical methods to better draw causal inferences using psychological data.  
Our current research topics in causal inference include: 
  • Mediation Analysis 
  • Propensity Score Methods 
  • Continuous Treatment Effect 
  • Causal Discovery and Graphic Models 
  • Instrumental Variable Methods 
  • Innovative Design and Analysis of Behavioral Interventions 
In addition to causal inference, our lab explores other themes such as structural equation modeling, psychometrics, and modeling Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) and intensive longitudinal data.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our research projects, recent lab news, and our dedicated lab members. If you're interested in joining our team as an undergraduate research assistant or a PhD student majoring in quantitative psychology, please review our research and get in touch with us. 



Causality and Structural Equation Modeling

Department of Psychology

University of South Carolina

1512 Pendleton Street
Hamilton College
Columbia, SC 29208


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